Brief : I was tasked with creating a new brand identity system for the National Museums of Scotland. The system needed to be flexible and work across all four museums with a great level of consistency.
Through research it was apparent that not many people are are aware that the four museums are linked together. Currently the Museums, use the same logo for each museum and are only really differentiated through colour and a change in name. This new system proposes a way of making sure each museum is unique but still belongs to the umbrella brand.
My rationale behind my solution was looking at a stripped back way of connecting the four museums. I started to think of entities containing four sections, the saltire was the obvious choice. From here I started looking at different ways of how I could make shapes from this. I arrived at a pentagonal shape which fitted in well with each museum and their unique identity.
I focused my efforts particularly on the National Museum of Scotland based in Chambers Street. The pictures show how I would implement the new branding system within the existing environment. This includes: posters, website and a new updated membership card for the four museums. The marque had a strong directional sense to it and would also be flexibly used for signage within the museum.
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